Lights can definitely improve the look and feel of any room but installing them sometimes can be a headache. Especially when you don’t want to poke your good looking wall with nails or screws. Go through this post on How To Hang String Lights In Room Without Nails, to know more.
For such instances we have come up with some useful ways by which you can hang string light ,rope lights or other types of similar lights in your room without having to do any holes in your room wall.
How To Hang String Lights In Room Without Nails – 7 Ways
Use a Transparent Wire
Stick a transparent wire or tie them to the door frame or windows frame or any where you can tie them or hang with.
You can use this transparent wire as a base and then you can use clips or simply wrap around them.
Use a Double Tape
You can use a double tape as well but while using a double tape or any tape make sure the stickiness of the tape has to be strong other lights will fall off.
Also while using tape make sure you only wrap the wire with not the bulbs or lights as sometimes it can be dangerous as some light may produce heat.
Using a painter tape can be the best way to stick less weight lights as you can easily remove them without doing any temper to your walls. ( In case you have papered wall )
Use a Adhesive Hooks
In the market there are plenty of plastic hooks available that can stick to walls from the backside easily or to any similar surface.
These hooks are great if you want to create a more symmetrical look of lights in your room but before using note that how much weight they can take otherwise you may end up putting up extra load onto them.
Using Brick Clips for Hanging Lights at Brick Wall
In case you happen to be hanging lights on a brick wall, then Brick Clips are your best bet as they are specifically designed to hang something on them.
You can find them over here
Using Staple or thumbtack
You can also use a staple carefully or a thumbtack if you have a wooden wall you are planning to hang lights on.
There are some push pins that have hooks in them that can be great options for hanging light on wall with using nails.
Using a Clips with Built in Hooks for Hanging Lights
There are some clips with hooks are available which can be used to hang your lights to curtain or any piece of cloth available in your room.
You can also use such types of gutter hooks for hanging outdoor lights.
Using a String Light Hanging Kit
You can also use a lights hanging kit. With such kits you may need to do some drills but it’s always good to do a couple holes then doing tens of holes.
Further if you want to know How to Hang String Lights in Backyard without Trees then click on the mentioned article.
Above given are the few tips and tricks on How To Hang Lights In Room Without Nails. But given below are few things to remember while using any form of plastic while hanging lights.
- Don’t put bulbs & plastic together as the light may get warm and plastic and tapes are not heat resistant some times.
- While using any tape of adhesive form of hooks, make sure that they are strong enough to hold the weight of light otherwise you may have to fix every time they fall.
Hope the above given information will help in decorating your room with using hammer.
Have a great life with safety & prosperity
Joy have been interested in lighting in general since child hood thus done a Diploma in Lighting & Electricals at the age of 15 apart from regular studies. Now I just want to share some useful information about the lights with people.